Back home, Mitsuko and Benson are stuck living together as unconventional roommates, an absurd domestic situation that ends up meaning more to each of them than they ever could have predicted. In Japan he undergoes an extraordinary transformation, discovering the truth about his family and his past. There's the sex, sure, and the meals Mike cooks for Benson, and, well, they love each other.īut when Mike finds out his estranged father is dying in Osaka just as his acerbic Japanese mother, Mitsuko, arrives in Texas for a visit, Mike picks up and flies across the world to say goodbye. Mike is a Japanese American chef at a Mexican restaurant and Benson's a Black day care teacher, and they've been together for a few years-good years-but now they're not sure why they're still a couple. Benson and Mike are two young guys who live together in Houston.